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Frequently asked questions

How do I register with your surgery?

We currently have an open list and welcome requests for registration with the practice from patients living in or moving to the practice area.

How do I register for online patient services

We use a secure website called Patient Services which provides a number of online services. To access this service you will need to fill out our online registration form prior to your first log in.

Do I live within your practice area?

To find out if you live within our practice area, and can therefore register with us, take a look at our practice boundary, or contact the surgery for further information.

How do I cancel my appointment?

It is very important to inform us if you cannot attend an appointment. You will need to fill out a cancel an appointment form.

How do I order repeat prescriptions?

Use our online form to request a repeat prescription.

How do I change my address and telephone number?

You can use our change of details form. Alternatively, you can call us or write to us.

How do I obtain medical advice when the surgery ss closed?

Information on what to do when the surgery is closed can be found in our opening hours.

How Do I Request A Home Visit?

View our appointments page for details.

How do I check in for my appointment on arrival at reception?

On arrival at the surgery for your appointment, please report to the reception window and let the receptionist know you have arrived.

How do I get the most out of a consultation?

Advice on how you can get the most out of your consultation with the doctor.

How do I get advice or help on how to stop smoking?

Please ask for an appointment in the nurse-run smoking cessation clinic if you need advice or help on how to stop smoking. Also, you can tell us about your smoking status and let us know if you would like help stopping here.

How do I make a complaint?

We operate a practice complaints procedure as part of the NHS system for dealing with complaints.

I am unhappy with my medication, what should I do?

Please come to discuss the matter with your doctor before simply discarding any medicines.

How do I obtain a result to a recent laboratory test?

Details on how and when to obtain your test results.

I am living in the area temporarily and am not registered with a local doctor – can I get medical help?

Yes, our procedure for temporary residents.

How do I see my medical records?

You have a right of access to your health records, please see our summary care record page for further information.

What do I do if a death occurs in the family?

If a death occurs in the family, what you need to do depends on the circumstances of the death.

If the death occurred at home:

  • Telephone the doctor, who will visit to confirm death has taken place.
  • The doctor will issue a certificate of cause of death or tell you where and when it can be collected.
  • Tell the doctor (if you can) whether the deceased is for cremation or burial.
  • Contact the funeral director who will visit and take the deceased into his care.

When death occurs in hospital:

  • Contact the funeral director as soon as you can to inform them that their services will be required.
  • Telephone the hospital administrator or the hospital ward to arrange collection of the certificate of cause of death. This will be issued by one of the hospital doctors who looked after your relative.
  • Tell the administrator (if you can) whether the deceased is for cremation or burial.

When death is sudden or a result of an accident:

  • If at home, telephone the doctor who will confirm that death has taken place.
  • The doctor will contact the coroners office.
  • A police officer will need to contact the funeral director. You will be asked if you have a preference for a particular funeral director; if not, the duty one will be called. Please remember the duty funeral director is acting for the coroner at this time, the final choice of funeral director is yours.
  • Contact the funeral director of your choice as soon as you can for further advice. The deceased can not be buried or cremated until a death certificate has been issued either by the coroner or by the doctor (with the coroners permission).

What to do next:

  • Make an appointment to take the certificate of cause of death to the Registrars Office. Also, take the deceased medical (NHS) card if available.
  • The registrar will register the death and issue you with a certificate, benefits agency form, and a green form. After collecting the green form from the registrar, take it along to the funeral director or telephone for a home visit; they will take over complete responsibility for arranging the funeral.
  • Following a death reported to the coroner, contact the funeral director as soon as possible – do not wait for a certificate to be issued. The coroner will arrange for the death certificate to be issued when his/her investigations are complete.

How do I get the help of an interpreter?

Please ask a receptionist to book an interpreter who speaks your language. Your appointment time may be limited by the availability of this service.